The Vision of Konopko Cooperative
Konopko Cooperative, Cooperative for the sustainable development of producing and processing hemp, z.o.o., social enterprise., Lindek 22, 3213 Frankolovo, Slovenia
The main goal of KonopKo cooperative is to link hemp growers and processors, innovators, researchers, enterpreneurs and other hemp interest groups in Slovenia. Yet another purpose is to ensure a sustainable and socially beneficial way of hemp growing and processing, in this manner we fully support smaller and medium sized growers, connect rural and urban areas whilst operating within the guidelines of Fair Trade and ecological (organical) growing. We promote and encourage development of organic farming and sustainable supply of hemp, including innovative hemp product development, as well as promote the idea of social enterprises in the field of hemp growing and processing in Slovenia and neighbour countries.
We have over 130 members (hemp growers) and we are by far the largest hemp group in Slovenia.
The intent of KonopKo cooperative is to execute activities in following areas:
- Organising hemp growing and processing in Slovenia
- Fair Trade: a trade, which ensures the sale of products from small and medium sized growers / processors with a strong emphasis on ethics, this meaning that the bussiness realtionship between different agents is transparent, equal and aimed at just payment for all included.
- To stimulate and support all members of the co-operative through the exchange of knowledge, aids and available machinery for producing and processing hemp
- Establishing a system of quality standards for hemp products, Organic Certificate included
- Encouraging and assisting members to shift towards organic producing / processing of hemp
- Preservation of cultural, technical and natural heritage in the field of hemp and agriculture
- Stimulating the development of local hemp activities
- Incenting producing and processing of hemp as well as supporting research and development activities within the field
- Educating and informing the general public about novelties / innovations in the field of hemp
- Legal counselling concerning hemp growing and processing
Long-term objectives of the Konopko Cooperative
- General promotion and organisation of hemp growing in Slovenia, promotion of cooperative idea.
- The acquisition and development of technical equipment for the hemp growing and processing (sharing resources)
- Linking urban centers to rural areas (direct contact farmer - cooperative - buyer)
- Establishment of operational units cooperatives in rural areas in Slovenia (buying crop, processing, agricultural advisement for farmers)
- Establishing a cooperative retail units in major cities in Slovenia (sales, consulting, training customers)
- Setting up a Slovenian Hemp Association (workshops, training, education, internationalisation...)
- Organization of events on the topic of hemp (workshops, lectures ...)
- Development of new products from hemp (in conjunction with universities, institutes, innovators, researchers and industry).
- Generating new jobs in urban and rural areas
- Promoting hemp cultivation - revitalization of contaminated soil using industrial hemp (fitoremediation), rehabilitation of agricultural land under intensive use of pesticides, the cultivation of hemp in the area with various restrictions (Natura 2000, water protected areas).
Statute (rules) of Konopko Cooperative (SLO)
Application form for membership in the Konopko Cooperative (SLO)
Konopko Cooperative - introduction (2018)
Lets cooperate - Workshop on cooperative integration and cooperation (CAAP 2014) (SLO)
Zadružništvo je prava stvar!
V zadrugo Konopko so vabljene različne skupine oz. posamezniki:
- pridelovalci konoplje (kmetje),
- predelovalci konoplje,
- lastniki kmetijske in druge mehanizacije,
- strokovnjaki na področju konopljarstva,
- prodajni strokovnjaki,
- redni kupci naših izdelkov,
- vsi, ki so pripravljeni sodelovati v zgodbi.