Why go hemp?
Amongst other traits that hemp has, it is a terribly simple biodigradable material which has the capacity to be fully recycled, replacing non-degradable, plastic and synthetic materials which are known to be the agents of various modern day diseases.
We trust that hemp will once again rise to the occasion and become, even more so, a plant of the future and that mankind will soon be reacquainted with it's many beneficial characteristics. We believe that an increased usage (where hemp will replace standard synthetic and fossil fuel based materials) of hemp-derived products will provide us with multilateral benefits, from an ecological point of view where the potential of hemp is greatest as from the position of economy where it can clearly contribute to the sustainable development of Slovenia's economy.

Konoplja in les
Iz konopljinega pezdirja (sredice stebla) in vlaken se izdelujejo vlaknene in vezane plošče. Kot vezivo je možno uporabiti celulozo iz istega materiala, posledično je produkt 100% ekološki, biorazgradljiv, odporen na insekte in vodoodporen. Za razliko od lesa konoplja v primeru požara ne gori v plamenih ampak zgolj tli, kar preprečuje širjenje ognja.